
A new year, A new me!

It has been a while since I posted.  Mostly because my life has been very hectic since moving to Florida.  I will be the first to admit that I do not like it here.  The weather sucks, the people are all old, I don't know anyone, and I miss my older babies who are staying with their father until July. At that time they will come stay with me for a full year.  Maybe I will get my mojo when I feel complete again.  It is an empty feeling being away from all your friends and most of your family.  My only release is cooking.  I have a few new ventures I am going to be working on this year.  My garden will be started this spring, I am in the process of writing a children's book, I am eating healthier, and I am back in school.  As you can see I have a lot going on, but I am excited about all of them.  I also have a 3 year old who refuses to use the potty.  This seems like a never ending battle.  Over time all things will fall into place and I will feel whole again.  I will update my blog more often this year and I promise myself that I will even if it is for myself.  Here's to a new year and a new me!